Coherent Astrella Ti:Sapphire femtosecond laser system
Astrella is a one-box, small footprint, ultrafast laser system. It delivers high (up to 7 mJ/pulse) energy pulse at 800 nm with short (35 fs) pulse width and excellent beam quality (M2 < 1.25), and can operate at a repetition rate of 1 kHz . It is seeded by an oscillator and is powered by a diode-laser pumped amplifier, with sealed stretcher–compressor components.
Coherent OPerASolo Optical Parametric Amplifier (OPA)
The OPerASolo is a fully integrated, computer-controlled femtosecond optical parametric amplifier (OPA) that extends the wavelength accessibility of the Astrella. Our version of OperASolo allows wavelength tuning from 1140 to 1600 nm (OPA signal) and from 1600 to 2600 nm (OPA idler) when pumped by a 800 nm laser beam. It incorporates TOPAS technology in the white-light seeded, pre-amplifier followed by a power amplifier. In the sum-frequency mixing configuration, the OPerASolo uses a fraction of the 800 nm pump beam directly from the Astrella output for mixing with the OPA signals.
Amplitude Systems s-Pulse HP femtosecond laser system
The Amplitude Systems s-Pulse is a compact femtosecond laser system based on ytterbium-doped gain media and advanced diode pumping technology. The s-Pulse HP model offers femtosecond laser pulse with a fundamental wavelength at 1030 nm and with a pulse duration < 500 fs. Pulse energy is > 1 mJ and the average power is > 4 W. Our s-Pulse HP system also is equipped with frequency doubling and mixing, offering laser wavelength at its second and third harmonic at 515 nm and 343 nm.
Spectra Physics TSA-25 femtosecond laser system
The Spectra Physics TSA-25 is a femtosecond regenerative amplifier. The laser is seeded from a Mai Tai femtosecond Ti-sapphire laser, and two lasers (Empower diode laser and Quanta-Ray pulsed Nd:YAG laser at second harmonic) are used for pumping. The system generates femtosecond laser pulses with energy of 25 mJwith a pulse duration about 100 fs. This laser system also has second and third harmonic generation capabilities at 400 nm and 266 nm.